Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Combining Nurse Leader & Advocacy Personal Accountability - 825 Words

Combining Nurse Leader with Advocacy: Personal Accountability (Essay Sample) Content: Combining Nurse Leader with AdvocacyName:Institution:Professional and personal accountabilitySo far, I am a successful nurse with expansive professional and personal skills in nursing career. My bachelor degree has been valuable in assisting me utilise my leadership skills in advocating for the organisational and professional changes. My annual assessment has also proved that, although I need some academic and professional advancement, I have managed to utilise my current skills in implementing my undertakings. I also understand and appreciate the nursing code of ethics and principles. Equally, I aspire to be a member of the national and global nursing associations that address the need of all nurses and other healthcare professionals. I am also a qualified professional with the necessary nursing certification. However, despite being a successful nurse, I have a weakness of inability to work appropriate with professional organisations that enhance professional develop ment and networking. Career objectivesI seek to be a prominent nurse with the required ability of pushing for the necessary transformation in the nursing profession. I will utilise my leadership skills and experience in ensuring that all nurses understand their role and position in healthcare institutions. So far, I adequately understand my job requirements and description. In the future, I aim at becoming a reliable nurse leader in the current reputable nursing associations. Holding an influential position will be critical in helping me propose the necessary changes in the entire health sector. Although I am flexible and ready to accept emerging changes, I have laid down a realistic career path that will assist me attain my future career objectives.Personal journey disciplineCurrently, my assessment asserts that I have acquired fundamental leadership skills and experience in my career path. I have adequately interacted with prominent nurse leaders with the aim of integrating my le adership skills with my advocacy role. The existing managing council have been valuable players in supporting my leadership objectives. I also make effective utilisation of action planning techniques in solving emerging changes in my operations. I as well make personal reflection on the long-term and immediate outcomes of my decision and actions. Reflecting on the outcomes of my actions has so far proved useful in enhancing the identification of areas and skills that need immediate rectification and improvement Reflective practices reference tenetsBased in the guidelines set by Centre for Nursing Leadership, I have been effective in maintaining high integrity level in my daily activities. Integrity has been a key aspect that supports my current professional and leadership development. My appreciation of ambiguity has also been valuable in helping me utilise my leadership skills in advocating for professional and social changes. Moreover, my personal assessment affirms that I have t he necessary skills and ability of appreciating social and cultural diversity. I have been effective in listening and appreciating the views of all actors irrespective of their sexual orientation, gender or race. I also hold multiple views and perspectives from various quarters before making appropriate decision on a disturbing issue. With the intention of being a reliable change agent, I make effective utilisation of my leadership skills in identifying my potential and advocacy abilities of other leaders. Engaging in continuous consultation has also been vital in enhancing my career development. Equally, I have been effective in dealing and nurturing my emotional and intellectual self. Moreover, in order to facilitate my career development, I have so far been effective in regenerating my body and spirit.Using leadership skills in advocating changes in the workplaceBeing a transformational leader, I will use my communication and persuasive leadership skills in bringing the required changes in my workplace. Communication and persuasive skills will be valuable in bringing all stakeholders together in addressing disturbing issues in my organisation. In an ideal situation, advocacy requires consistent and continuous communication among all actors (Seymour, Dupre, 2008). Communication skills will also be useful in helping me inform and educate all actors on the significant of making critical changes in the organisation. Continuous interaction will equally play a key role in ensuring that I integrate the interests and needs of all actors in the proposed organisational changes (Tomajan, 2012). Personal goal for leadership growthI aspire to be a reliable and reputable nurse manager. I intend to utilise my future position and leadership skills in ensuring that I address the needs and interests of all nurses and patients. In order to achieve my future ...

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